Angela Giuliani biography > testo in italiano
As a little girl, messing about with colours was her favourite game.
Her studies at the Istituto Statale d’Arte in Bologna, her native town, have helped her develop her passion, which has found the most favourable place to become a happily fertile pictorial expression in Florence, were Angela Giuliani Perugi has been living since 1967. After marrying a Florentine, she started reproducing miniature paintings, from which she gathered a great experience in describing even tiny details, an experience later transferred to her extremely original landscapes painted on ivory, using almost dry watercolours: already in her first exhibitions, these obtained a deep and very special interest from both the public and the critics; her small miniature send out poetry and sensations of peace and silence, as many of her reviews declare. She has since used watercolours very effectively on cardboard, adding in this case some tempera to give the colours more brilliance and light. In the meantime she has painted works of increasing dimensions, realizing even very large pictures. Her subjects are, as is usual for her, mostly country houses, Tuscan villas, the countryside, the mountains, the sea loved that the painters of the ‘Macchiaioli’ group used to love, then trees, flowers, the ancient and poetic corners of the city. Angela Giuliani Perugi paints portraits as well, in a continuous search for the subject’s personality and psychology, depicting him or her in a landscape or an environment that he or she loves. The intense pictorial itinerary of Angela Giuliani Perugi has brought her, over the past ten years, to paint on wood. This has been and still is a particularly fertile path: starting from a primitive research studying and learning sacred art on wood, which also meant delving into the painting techniques used by the great masters of the 13th and 14th centuries, to obtain original creations dealing both with sacred and profane subjects. The sense of the sacred, deeply felt by Angela Giuliani Perugi, has brought her to become president of the ‘Tabula Picta’ association, which has lately been very appreciated and gathered a large renown. The association consists of a group of women which share a common passion for sacred art, intended as both reproducing on wood the paintings of the ancient masters, employing their original techniques, and the creation of original works.
Angela Giuliani Perugi has exhibited in numerous shows, both group ones, also with the ‘Tabula Picta’ group, and independent ones, on various themes; her techniques (watercolours, egg tempera, oil tempera on canvas or on wood) have always been very favourably received by both critics and public. By now the artist’s works, apart from being visible, with sacred subjects, in several churches and convents in Florence, have entered many private collections everywhere in Italy, and in many European (from France to the United Kingdom, from Switzerland to Germany) and extra-European countries (from Canada to California, from Atlantic City to New York).